What I Offer

I offers two services:

* Managed Account Service. This investment service alternates between short-term trading of volatile growth stocks and sitting on cash -- depending on market conditions.

If you have $100,000 or more to invest in a high-risk, high-potential-reward program, I invite you to contact us about opening a managed account. Find out more here. But don't give me your life savings. I DARE NOT take it; do not give me your emergency money, which you are going to put in use in a couple of months, I DARE NOT take it.

* The Trading 4 Living Newsletter. The subscribers discover the momentun movers before they start moving. More here.

Philosophy: My approach may best be described as short-term aggressive growth with managed risk. Aggressive growth stocks provide outstanding returns under healthy market conditions. But they also come with a high degree of risk. I attempt to limit that risk by by sitting on cash OR selling short during unfavorable market conditions.